Monday, November 25, 2013

Equipment/Props List for Music Video

Equipment/Props List for Music Video

Scene 1: Rooftop: inner-city
Electrical equipment: (video camera, memory card, battery, and tripod), artist wearing hoodie, trainers, jeans
Scene 2: Performer’s flat
All electrical equipment, artist wearing top (any colour), pyjama bottoms, jeans, hoodie, glass, table, orange juice, chair, kitchen, bag, trainers, earphones
Scene 3: Street: inner-city
All electrical equipment, hoodie, trainers
Scene 4: Bench/Park with pond or bandstand
All electrical equipment, bandstand, pond, bench, chair
Scene 5: Alleyway/Dodgy Street: inner-city
All electrical equipment, alleyway, hoodies, dark clothing
Scene 6: Jazz club

All electrical equipment, dim lighting, microphone, microphone stand, sunglasses (black), keyboard, audience, chairs, table, smoke machine

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