Thursday, November 28, 2013

music video story board

The music video opens with a black screen and writing of the artists name.
The first actual shot you see is before the music starts which is of royal tee setting up his microphone on stage.
There is then another black screen with writing of the song title.
The second shot is just as the music comes in which is the piano, so the shot is a long shot of the grandfather playing the piano or the pianist from the jazz bar playing it. As the artist says 'peace world' there is a shot of him looking over the city and looking at all the opportunities there are in front of him, this is also the CD cover image. Just before the lyrics come in there is a shot of the artist in his bedroom as the first word he says is 'good morning'. 
we then see the artist walking out of his bedroom as he says 'where the breakfast at?' this scene takes place in his kitchen which includes a variety of shots and camera editing techniques one of which is a stop motion picture sequence of the cup of orange juice filling up.
As the artist says 'you know the routine I only vibe to the classics' we decided to use an old cassette player in the shot which is a play on the fact that he listens to old music. After this there is a future cut of him in the jazz bar performing a few lines of the lyrics. It then cuts back to him in the kitchen finishing his food and staring out of the window.
There is a medium shot of him picking up his bag and leaving the front door. As he is walking down the street he spots a younger person that is sad on the street so three is a two shot of the artist giving the kid a few kind words.
as he carries on his journey through the street to the jazz bar we see a side shot of him walking past an alleyway with people inside it doing drugs and looking like thugs as the line is 'surrounded by crooks'. There is then another shot of him in the jazz bar performing a few lines before it goes back to the two shot of the artist and the sad child in the street telling him not to get discouraged.
It then goes back to the performance in the jazz bar where the camera pans around his head, then there is a medium shot directly in front of the artist performing where it then zooms to an extreme close up of the artists mouth smiling.
There is then a medium shot of the grandfather 'pop dukes' with writing on the screen introducing him (the writing is the same font as the writing from the start of the video to keep to the theme).
a two shot of the artist and his grandfather talking on a bench with a close pan around the grandfathers head to show the grey hairs on his head which according to the lyrics represent wisdom.
there is then a medium to long shot of the artist getting up and leaving the grandfather to continue on his journey, as he gets up he says half of the lyrics before the background changed to the jazz bar. It then cuts back to the street where he spots his brother dealing drugs on a street corner and his brother (like pop dukes) is introduced with writing of the same font on the screen.
Two shot of the artist and his brother as royal tee grabs his brother trying to tell him to spot what he is doing and to focus on his future (conveying a positive message). there is then a high angle shot of him in front of a group of people as he says he is coming with an army then there is a matching high angle shot of him performing in the jazz bar.
close up of artists face in jazz bar performing. long shot near graffiti 'or maybe its you'. medium long shot of royal tee walking in jazz bar followed by a two shot of royal tee shaking hands with the jazz bar owner.
two shot of someone offering royal tee quick cash scheme leaflet in a busy street with royal tee rejecting it as the line is 'but everything you offering I do for myself'. Extreme close up of his shoes 'fresh daily salvage denim with ruff and my runaway chucks'
high angle shot of the artist performing in the jazz bar followed by a medium shot of the performance followed by a series of shots relating to the performance as it is the final chorus. when the chorus is finish and the song ends with the piano chords the song title appears with either a black background or the sky with a fade to white.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Equipment/Props List for Music Video

Equipment/Props List for Music Video

Scene 1: Rooftop: inner-city
Electrical equipment: (video camera, memory card, battery, and tripod), artist wearing hoodie, trainers, jeans
Scene 2: Performer’s flat
All electrical equipment, artist wearing top (any colour), pyjama bottoms, jeans, hoodie, glass, table, orange juice, chair, kitchen, bag, trainers, earphones
Scene 3: Street: inner-city
All electrical equipment, hoodie, trainers
Scene 4: Bench/Park with pond or bandstand
All electrical equipment, bandstand, pond, bench, chair
Scene 5: Alleyway/Dodgy Street: inner-city
All electrical equipment, alleyway, hoodies, dark clothing
Scene 6: Jazz club

All electrical equipment, dim lighting, microphone, microphone stand, sunglasses (black), keyboard, audience, chairs, table, smoke machine

Royal tee - better than yesterday lyrics

Peace world (humbling, shows how peaceful he is)
New day, new mission (every day he is striving for greatness)
Go for yours (sending a message to his fans to follow their dreams)

Good morning, where the breakfast at, I’m starving
Pour me up a glass of simply orange, you know the routine
I only vibe to the classics, they marvel
That’s how I get the day started (he starts his day with old classics and orange juice)
Finish up this food, open up the blinds in my bedroom
And let the sunlight shine through
Playing for the homies ‘cause I understand you gotta climb, fool
I’m 100% behind you, (he is 100% behind someone putting effort into their future)
we do this for a higher purpose
The lower homie say he tired of working
Soon it will pay off, it’s all worth it
Just need that positive push, (his friend said he is tired of working but all he really needs is a push in the right direction because it will all pay off soon)
 going to jail is a horrible look
Stuck in the game, stay surrounded by crooks (going to jail is quite obviously a bad thing, 'stuck in the game' referring to the drug game as once you get in; 'start doing/selling drugs' its hard to get out which is why you'll end up surrounded by crooks.)
Don’t watch the news, it keeps me stressing and depressed
Sad news hurts my soul like a lump in my chest
Don’t get discouraged lil’ homie, we blessed
Everything you going through now, it’s only a test

See, I’m just tryna make today
Better than yesterday
Better than yesterday
Let’s make today
Better than yesterday
Better than yesterday
Let’s make today
Better than yesterday
Better than yesterday
Let’s make today
Better than yesterday
Better than yesterday
(chorus; repeating the fact that he is just trying to make a positive change)

Every time I’m chilling with pop Dukes I get inspired by his stories (his grandfathers stories are inspiring)
Peace to all the fallen soldiers that came before me (R.I.P to all of the gang members and his friends that grew up in the 'struggle')
He always say it was the good old days, this four beers kinda remind you of Frankie and Maze
The grey hair represents wisdom, we living
The world is yours, son, and can’t nobody tell you different (his grandfather giving him positive words)
Soaking up the game like a sponge, can’t forget my day one (remembering every word his grandfather is telling him and remembering every day of his early rap career)
This is where I came from, they told me I was special
My brother used to hustle sun up to sun down and said I better not get you 
Look me in the eye, said this ain’t for you, find something better to do
Like focus on your future (his brother used to sell drugs for a living but royal tee is telling him to find something better to do like focus on your future)
I represent the people, I’m coming with an army
Forget what they saying ‘cause your comments will never harm me
I would’ve been saying something if I needed your help
But everything you niggas offering, I do for myself (he is independent and works for everything he wants/needs)
Try to make a strong connection so my presence is felt (through his lyrics he is trying to make a connection with his fans so his positive message is absorbed effectively)
My mentality is get it yourself
Fresh daily, salvage denim with the cuff and my runaway chucks
Just to show it off in public, it’s a must, we live it up (buys new shoes and clothes just to show it off in public 'we live it up' living a good life)
Fast bucks, stack it up, share the wealth with the team, living the African American dream (living the African American dream which is usually to make it out of the 'ghetto' and make a good honest living)
Gotta stay on point and keep your game intact (telling you that you have to stay focused and keep your life on the right path)
Sometimes it could be your own people holding you back
Or maybe it’s you, I mean maybe it’s you (sometimes your friends or the people you associate yourself are the ones holding you back, OR maybe you are the only one holding yourself back from your dreams)
I say you gotta stay on point and keep your game intact
Sometimes it could be your own people holding you back
Or maybe it’s you, I said maybe it’s you
I say you gotta stay on point and keep your game intact
Sometimes it could be your own people holding you back

See, we’re just tryna make today
Better than yesterday
Better than yesterday
Let’s make today
Better than yesterday
Better than yesterday
Let’s make today
Better than yesterday
Better than yesterday
Let’s make today
Better than yesterday

Better than yesterday

Monday, November 18, 2013

group magazine cover

group CD cover final design & why it was chosen

We chose to make the main image of the front cover a long shot/establishing shot of Royal-Tee (main character) looking over a city from a high location. This was chosen because we feel this shot relates to the positive message which is portrayed through the lyrics which is about making today better than yesterday. The shot of him looking over the city represents him seeing opportunity through the tough up bringing he had.