Wednesday, December 18, 2013

cd cover front and back

 My CD front cover and back cover. I cut out the artist from one picture and stuck it to another, this allowed me to use effects specifically on the artist such as stroke and satin. I then matched the colour of the title to the colour of the artists jumper which relates the title to the artist and lets you know that the person in the picture is Royal Tee.


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

creating my new CD cover

I started the CD cover with the new image that I took in central London, I then added the original artist name and font with the original album title underneath. The silhouette is effective as it makes the artist match the album cover and the artists name.
 I then decided that this image was not a good enough image to use for the front cover so I chose this image.
I then thought about the background on this picture and decided it was not good enough as there is not enough of the sky which allows me to put the title in the picture without me having to blend it in to the buildings in the background. As this was my favourite picture that I took of the artists out of all of the other pictures that I took as there were no other pictures, I chose to crop out the artist from this picture and put him in another.
The picture I chose to put the artist in was this background image that I took which was originally for the inlay but still can be used for the inlay as it relates the front cover to the inlay. I cropped out the artist from the picture above and put him and the bannister he is leaning on onto this background shot. This allowed me to put the original title from the old CD cover in the sky of the new background image while the cut out of the artist is in the image.

vox pops update

old cd front cover

old CD cover that I made before I went out to take pictures for MY CD cover/back cover and inlays.

Monday, December 16, 2013

breakfast and window scene

some of the shots I took when filming the breakfast and window scene. I placed the camera at an angle so you can see the actors reflection through the window but not see the camera.

location shots

these are some photos I took when scouting out locations for some shots, the roof top shot was mainly for the CD cover and the ally shot was for the brother scene.

this photograph was taken as an idea for the alley way scene where we (as the audience) see the brother during a drug deal.

stop motion photos

a selection of stop motion photos that I took for the music video, i first did the orange juice shots for the line 'pour me up a glass of simply orange'. I also took pictures of a cereal bowl filling up with cereal for the line 'where the breakfast at, i'm starving'

piano photos

photos of me on the piano before deciding what type of shots we would use and how we would incorporate them into our music video.

                 The idea behind the photographs of the shoe whilst on the piano was to get a close up of the                                             shoe using the sustain pedal on the piano in the music video.